Experiencing God Life Bible Study is based on the book by Henry & Richard Blackaby and Claude King, this class explores how you can know God more deeply by experiencing Him in your life.

This class will help you to understand that God pursues a continuing love relationship with you, speaks to you through various ways, and invites you to join in His work.

Prerequisite: LLBS, Shepherd

Duration: 13 Weeks

Date: TBD

Fee: $25

  • Week 1: Introduction

    Week 2: God’s Will and Your Life

    Week 3: Looking to God

    Week 4: God Pursues a Love Relationship

    Week 5: Love and God’s Invitation

    Week 6: God Speaks, Part 1

    Week 7: God Speaks, Part 2

    Week 8: The Crisis of Belief

    Week 9: Adjusting Your Life to God

    Week 10: Experiencing God Through Obedience

    Week 11: God’s Will and the Church

    Week 12: Kingdom People

    Week 13: Experiencing God in Your Daily Life