House Churches meet every Friday night in various people’s homes for dinner, fellowship, prayer, and sharing. If you are interested in joining a House Church, please contact Pastor Mimi.
Our missions partner for the month of February is Pastor Luka & Ghan Chermue in Chiang Rai, Thailand who minister to the Akha Hill Tribe people. Visit their missions page for specific prayer requests and updates.
CHOSEN ADC IS BACK! It’s been years since we last gathered together for a full day of Chosen. On March 1st, we will have ADC (All Day Chosen) which will include games, fellowship, and encountering God. Pastor David Torres from King of Kings Church in NJ will be coming with his team to minister to us. Chosen parents - our leaders will accept your thanks in the form of food, coffee, and other beverages! For more information, please contact Pastor Jason.
Join us on Saturday, March 8 at 7:00pm as we host another Hunger Nights, a regional worship & ministry event led by Pastor Chris Patraut. Join together with believers from across the DMV area as we worship, pray, and seek God’s presence. Bring a friend and come hungry for more of Him!
There will be an important HOPE Council meeting on Sunday, March 16 downstairs in the Potomac room immediately following our worship service. We ask that all active and inactive deacons, elders, and ministry leaders please attend.
We are planning to have a church-wide retreat this Fall, Friday-Sunday on Labor Day weekend or sometime in September. We are looking for volunteers to join the planning team. If you are interested, please talk with Pastor Mimi.
Baltimore Outreach Opportunity: If you would like to share Jesus’ love with our neighbors in Baltimore by feeding, clothing, praying for, and sharing the gospel with them - join Jericho Project every second Saturday of the month from 9am to 12pm. The next one is happening Saturday, February 8. For more information, please contact Gabriel Kim.
Transformation Retreat 2025 is happening Wed-Sat; June 25-28. Plan on joining us to encounter our God together at Messiah University, PA. Registration is now OPEN on Chosen students and volunteers get a discount code! Please reach out to Pastor Jason for more information.
Sow into the Youth - Chosen youth ministry needs your help! We currently have Middle School Chosen and High School house churches that need support. Everyone was once a youth student who had their worldview shaped by someone. Be that "someone" who shapes the youth for the Kingdom! Talk to Pastor Jason if you are interested.
Chosen youth ministry meets on Saturday nights at 6:00pm for worship, intercession, bible studies, and fun!
Contact Pastor Jason for more information.
We have early morning prayer Monday-Friday at 6:00am in the Patapsco Room. Come and begin your day with prayer.
Ministry Night takes place in person on the last Wednesday of each month from 7:30-8:30pm downstairs in the Patapsco Room. Please join us as we pray together, encouraging and ministering to one another.
You may give in any of these three ways: in person, mailing a check, or online giving. When giving online, please use the Church Center app.