But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Luke 18:16
This verse is the heartbeat of the Children's Ministry at HOPE Church. Knowing that Jesus values and gladly welcomes children drives our every interaction, Sunday school lesson, and purpose. We believe God empowers us to share the good news of Jesus Christ's love with every child who worships with us whether we're lifting our hands in praise, listening to the Word of God, or playing games and making crafts. God is the most creative One we know and we see His works on display when we look at our kids.
Welcome to HOPE Kids, the Elementary age group at HOPE Church. Our loving and talented staff strive each week to teach our students Bible-based lessons using prayer, music, crafts, and discussions. We use the Simply Loved Curriculum that includes Biblically sound, age-appropriate activities and crafts to help kids learn about the love of God. We believe every child has a unique purpose in the kingdom of God. Our mission is to equip our kids by studying Biblical truths, treating others with compassion and developing a genuine lifelong journey of walking with God. Snacks are also provided!
HOPE Kids (Grades K-5)
JAM (ages 2-4, preschoolers)
We invite parents of preschoolers, to bring their children to JAM (Jesus And Me), for children ages 2 years old and up. Our loving staff will teach and play with the kids also utilizing the Simply Loved Curriculum. This curriculum includes Biblically sound, age-appropriate activities and crafts to help kids learn about the love of God. We encourage children to build friendships with one another, and emphasize core values of sharing, caring and praying for each other. Snacks are also provided!
We have a nursery for nursing mothers or for infants/ toddlers who are 2 years old and under. The nursery is located behind the Patuxent Room (main sanctuary).
For more information regarding the Children’s Ministry, please contact Amy Huang.
For more information regarding the Nursery, please contact Gloria Lee.