Missions Partners: Michael and Anna

Location: Kona, Hawaii


Michael and Anna Brown and their four children (Eternity, Xavier, Riley-Joy, and Haven) have worked with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Kona, Hawaii for over 15 years. We believe that Jesus has called ALL of His followers to love Him, follow Him, and bring His kingdom to the earth. This is true for vocational missionaries such as ourselves and those who work everyday jobs and encounter everyday people in their day to day lives. Our heart is to help people encounter the God of the Bible, who is the God of today, and to help equip them to live out their calling as whole-hearted believers, ultimately fulfilling the Great Commission. Michael teaches the Bible in Kona and in many other parts of the world. He is also a part of the YWAM Kona leadership team, helping develop our campus, training programs, and young leaders in order to train hundreds of missionaries to be sent out into the nations every year. Anna spends most of her time discipling the four Brown children we have been entrusted with. She also serves on the leadership team of Brave Love, a global women’s ministry whose goal is to see women take hold of their God-given identities.

How to partner with Michael and Anna:  

  • Pray we would hear the Lord’s voice clearly to know the avenues and strategies of discipleship and impacting the nations. We believe that the Lord is moving in new ways in the unique times that we live in and want to be sensitive and obedient to what He is doing and how!

  • Pray that our love for and obedience to Jesus would be greater than it has ever been.

  • Pray that Haven would come to know the saving love of Jesus. Pray that our older children, Eternity and Xavier would grow in their knowledge of and friendship with God.

  • Financial support: Click Here

Updated 4/2023