The God of the Living


In Luke 20, Pastor Q explains that during his final week in Jerusalem, Jesus confronts various Jewish leaders. He starts by cleansing the temple, which angers the leaders. They then try to trap him with tricky questions. The Herodians ask about paying taxes to Caesar, and Jesus responds, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” The Sadducees question him about resurrection with a convoluted scenario, but Jesus counters by affirming that in the resurrection, there is no marriage and that God is the God of the living, not the dead, referencing the burning bush incident from Exodus. He underscores the reality of resurrection based on God’s power and the scriptures.

Scripture: Luke 20:27-40

Sunday Service: July 28, 2024 • Pastor Q Kim at HOPE Church in Clarksville, MD


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