Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Word for 2018: Open Door

Pastor Kyu Kim encourages us with God’s powerful word to the church of Philadelphia. God says we have done well when we keep His word and do not deny His name. God has seen what have done; now, see that God has done for us. He has set before us an open door to His promises, abundance, opportunities to minister, and much more. We no longer need to knock. We need to walk through that wide open door with faith.

Scripture: Revelation 3:7-13

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Q4 HOPE Church Q4 HOPE Church

A House of Prayer for All the Peoples

Pastor Kyu Kim reminds us of why Jesus cleared out the temple: to restore it to a house of prayer. Jesus cast out everything that exploited and hindered His people. We are reminded that from the beginning, HOPE church invests in each generation so that they may rise up to love God.

Scripture: Mark 11:15-17, Isaiah 56:7

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Q4 HOPE Church Q4 HOPE Church

Good News of Great Joy

Pastor Kyu Kim presents the Christmas story and teaches how heaven needed to come to earth. Jesus came into the world to heal brokenness. The joyous announcement was not made to the elite but rather to the overlooked. This is how God chose to reveal Himself. This is God’s character.

Scripture: Luke 2:8-20

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Q4 HOPE Church Q4 HOPE Church

If You Want to be Great

Pastor Kyu Kim speaks on living a life of greatness. Jesus taught that to be great one must follow Him, the Jesus who came to serve and to give His life for our sake. How do we live out this life of greatness?

Scripture: Mark 10:35-45

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Q4 Jessica Lee Q4 Jessica Lee

Glory Unveiled

Pastor Kyu Kim teaches how Jesus unveiled himself to show His true form in all its glory. God chose to put on our form that we may be able to relate and connect to Him and connect. In a life walking with Jesus we transform to become more like Him as a response. How amazing is the scandal of grace!

Scripture: Mark 9:1-8

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Q4 Jessica Lee Q4 Jessica Lee

The Gospel

Missionary Michael Brown from YWAM-Kona exhorts us: "Let's never move past the gospel." We are about Jesus and our purpose is glorify Jesus. Let us focus on the gospel and not lose our passion in order to keep walking with Him.

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Q4 Jessica Lee Q4 Jessica Lee


Pastor Kyu Kim asks "Are you good at complaining or are you good at giving thanks?" The cleansing of the lepers demonstrates how our good and gracious God gives blessings, but it is through giving thanks that we can grow our relationship with Him.

Scripture: Luke 17:11-19

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Q4 Jessica Lee Q4 Jessica Lee

If Anyone Wishes to Come After Me

Pastor Kyu Kim teaches on the new kingdom message to follow Jesus. People naturally want blessing without the cost of commitment. Christ beckons us to fully surrender, listen, and obey in order to step into all God has for us. "New revelation demands people's response."

Scripture: Mark 8:34-38

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Q4 Jessica Lee Q4 Jessica Lee

Who Do You Say I Am?

Pastor Kyu Kim focuses on Jesus’ question: “Who do you say that I am?" His disciples had preconceived notions of Jesus’ mission on earth and had difficulty trusting and accepting God's way. His glory, blessing, and power is revealed through suffering. Jesus prevailed on the cross and as His followers we trust that His way is best and embrace the sufferings we must face in our own walk.

Scripture: Mark 8:27-33

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