Honoring Our Parents
Pastor Mimi Kim emphasizes God’s command to honor our parents, on this Mother’s day. It is a command that requires faith that God is using imperfect people to shape us to His purpose. And it is the first command with a promise!
Scripture: Exodus 20:12
My House Shall Be Called a House of Prayer For All The Peoples
Pastor Kyu Kim shares God’s welcome to His house on this 11th anniversary of H.O.P.E. church. God’s house is where God loves to be, and He accepts those who follow and join themselves to God. PQ further exhorts us to go out and bring hope!
Scripture: Isaiah 56:7 (Isaiah 56:3-8, Mark 11:15-17)
Breakfast to Remember
Pastor Kyu Kim takes us where, after His resurrection, Jesus prepared breakfast to restore hope and give charges to his disciples. Sometimes we think that God will not use us anymore. But God says that we are always welcome and urges us to draw near.
Scripture: John 21
Palm Sunday: It's About Attitude
Pastor Mimi Kim highlights the importance of our attitude towards Jesus. Are we fickle like the crowds, who joyfully welcome Jesus on Palm Sunday but are shouting for His crucifixion by Friday? Or are we obedient like the disciples and therefore used for God’s purpose?
Scripture: Mark 11:1-11
Mother's Cry
Pastor Kyu Kim challenges us to keep on asking, seeking, and knocking as we pray to God. Despite receiving a series of “No” replies, the Gentile woman persisted to draw closer to Jesus with her request. Because of God’s mercy, He relented and granted her prayer.
Scripture: Matthew 15:21-28
Pray... With Faith
Pastor Kyu Kim illustrates what it means to pray in faith, earnestness, and diligence. The bleeding woman was healed because she had great faith and expectation of God, and she earnestly sought and pressed in to touch Jesus. PQ asks: have you ever been desperate enough to press in and touch Him?
Scripture: Mark 5:25-34
Pray... Like This
Pastor Kyu Kim highlights key insights from the Lord’s prayer. In teaching the disciples how to pray Jesus gave a short and powerful lesson on our heavenly Father, priority, unity, sin, and forgiveness.
Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13
Power in Praying Together
Pastor Mimi Kim encourages us to join others and to say “Amen!” in prayer together. Though a private prayer life is good, we can learn much from the early church who prioritized praying together.
Scripture: Acts 1:12-14, 2:42-44, 4:23-31