Second Journey
Pastor Kyu Kim looks at how Paul and Barnabas faced difficulties as they planned a second missionary journey. Pastor Kyu teaches how to handle the disagreement that is inevitable even among godly people, and also what to do when God says no.
Scripture: Acts 15:36-18:22
Be Encouraged
Missionary Michael Brown exhorts us to keep eyes fixed on God's promises rather than the circumstances. Let us stay in God's word so the world pales in comparison. Michael also gives an update on Myanmar.
Scripture: Matthew 11:1-6
Grace Alone
Pastor Kyu Kim cautions that there will always be difficulties in the church, even when God is moving powerfully. People in the early church had differing views on what is required for salvation, and this caused great dissension. But the gospel is that God’s grace alone is required!
Scripture: Acts 15:1-11
Following Hard After God
Pastor Kyu Kim shows how Paul and Barnabas faced strong opposition on their missionary journey and expands on what it means to serve a God who suffered but also delivers. God can transform cities from few people being faithful.
Scripture: Acts 13,14
Battle for Faith
Pastor Faith Cho speaks about the battle for faith against the struggles of life. Breakthroughs of faith can be blocked by four ideals we may hold about our lives: balance, community, sense, and calling. Faith is believing God is good enough and following His instruction even when these ideals are not present.
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
Hearing the Heart of God
Pastor Kyu Kim studies how the early church heard the heart of God and sent out the first missionaries. The book of Acts recorded the acts of the “sent ones”; We as sent ones therefore must be willing to go out and build the kingdom of God.
Scripture: Acts 13:1-3
Like the Father
Pastor Jason Choi shares his heart for the spiritually homeless in the world and how we should strive to be like the father of the prodigal son. Just as God seeks the lost sheep, we are called to mature and bring the lost people to know God and His love. Who are the lost that God is calling us to reach?
Scripture: Luke 15
Pentecost: "What does this mean?"
Pastor Mimi Kim studies how on Pentecost the Holy Spirit worked in Peter and pierced the hearts of his listeners. Pastor Mimi challenges us to constantly present opportunities for the Holy Spirit to break through in our lives. What are we willing to do for a single unbeliever to encounter God?
Scripture: Acts 2:1-47