Welcome Home.
Dear Friend,
Has God been tugging at your heart lately? Have you been in a place of longing for truth, meaningful community, and a relationship with Him? Well, we’re glad you’re here.
Every Friday, our church gathers in what we call "House Churches". We meet to break bread, worship, read the Word, and pray. We then meet on Sunday for corporate worship at the Gathering Place in Clarksville, MD. We welcome you to visit us and experience true community as we walk this messy yet beautiful life of faith together.
Community was key in the development of the early church in the New Testament. Followers of Jesus Christ began to gather regularly in homes, broke bread together, and shared a deep connection as a community of believers. Our house churches are designed to model that example, providing a weekly gathering space on Fridays to share in a meal, the Word, gratitude, and prayer.
They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. - Acts 2:46-47
Who we are
We are the House of Prayer for Everyone. HOPE Church is built on God’s love and is a place of celebration, healing, and restoration. We meet on Fridays weekly in house churches throughout the DC Metro area and come together for corporate worship on Sundays at the Gathering Place in Clarksville, MD.
We desire to be a place where all people can freely come and meet with God. We abide by the core values of seeking intimacy with God through worship and prayer, sharing Jesus’ love with those who do not yet know Him, and building community and disciples through house churches.
What is House Church?
Each House Church is led by two "Shepherds". Their job is to facilitate the gatherings, pray for members during the week, model servant-leadership to their members, and help their members grow spiritually.
While it is important to learn Christianity from pastors and through sermons, it is also important to learn from followers of Jesus who are living out their faith on a daily basis. The purpose of House Church is to invite people to learn about Christianity by experiencing Christian community.
We hope that you take that step to learn more about why following Jesus is worth it.
What can I expect?
A typical HC gathering will consist of the following:
• Dinner
• Praise and worship
• Announcements - Connecting you to events and ways to grow spiritually at HOPE Church
• Ice Breaker
• Update from Missionary - Each HC supports/prays for a missionary. The HC is named after the country/region that missionary serves.
• Word Time - Life application thoughts on sermon from Sunday service
• Sharing Time - Sharing what we are thankful for and prayer requests
• Prayer - Praying for one another