The Days Will Come


PQ's sermon reflects on Jesus’ final days, focusing on the events surrounding His entry into Jerusalem, the cleansing of the temple, and His teachings about its future destruction. Jesus enters as the prophesied Messiah, but His actions against the temple's corruption anger the religious leaders, setting the stage for His crucifixion. PQ emphasizes that Jesus’ words about the temple’s destruction were not spoken in anger but with sorrow and compassion for the city. He warns of false signs, such as false prophets, wars, and natural disasters, while highlighting the real sign—the siege of Jerusalem—leading to the temple’s destruction. This event symbolizes the end of the old covenant system and the dawn of a new era, where worshippers can now approach God through Jesus, without the need for a physical temple. Jesus assures believers that even in persecution, they will be protected spiritually, and the Holy Spirit will guide them in their witness. The sermon ends by reminding us that we are now the temple of the Holy Spirit, reflecting the transition from the physical temple to a spiritual one.

Scripture: Luke 21:5-24

Sunday Service: September 15, 2024 • Pastor Q Kim at HOPE Church in Clarksville, MD


Before We Call - God Answers