Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Sin: The Power Drain

Pastor Mimi Kim warns that what we think as little sins are actually causing power to drain and leak out of our lives. Although Samson was consecrated for God and physically strong, his sin and spiritual weakness caused the Spirit of the Lord to leave him. Therefore, we must be aware of our weaknesses and be vigilant about our spiritual lives.

Scripture: Judges 13-16

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

The Better Option

Pastor Sunhee Robinson reveals the truth that we are constantly facing the choice between life and death. The enemy wants us to think that death is better, but Jesus tells us to repent and to actively renounce and reject the foolish lies of the enemy. Like Caleb and Joshua, we believe in God's promises and we choose life!

Sunhee Robinson is a pastor of Living Hope Christian Center located in Emeryville, California.

Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:19, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Woe To That Man

Pastor Kyu Kim reveals the betrayal by Judas Iscariot. After spending years with Jesus, Judas still failed to understand and believe that Jesus was Lord. And yet, Jesus loved him to the end. This is the gospel message: despite the sinfulness of man, God still loved.

Scripture: Mark 14:10-11, 17-21

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Reckless Love

Pastor Kyu Kim brings alive a story of reckless love: the woman who broke her jar of costly perfume and gave it all for Jesus. Though considered unreasonable and wasteful by others, this was an intentional act of worship in response to God's love and grace. How do we respond to God's worth? Are we like the woman who gives it all unreservedly, or are we like the others who say it's too much?

Scripture: Mark 14:1-11

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Abraham's Test of Faith

Pastor Mimi Kim preaches on Abraham's faith out of Genesis 22:1-19. When faced with an incredible test, Abraham moved quickly to obey and in doing so gained an even greater faith. Thousands of years later, Isaac's question of "Where's the offering lamb" is finally answered: Jesus has come! 

Scripture: Genesis 22:1-19

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Be on the Alert!

Pastor Kyu Kim teaches on the coming of the Lord and what it means for our lives. The disciples were asking “When?” but that is not of the utmost importance. What matters is how faithfully we are living and how ready we are Christ’s return. The coming of the Lord is near!

Scripture: Mark 13

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

The Widow's Might Not Mite

Pastor Kyu Kim focuses on the widow who gave all she had as an offering to God. Though it just a mite by any earthly measure, in God’s view it was more than what anyone else gave. Honoring and loving God is a matter of Lordship and heart. May we give and do all things out of love for Jesus.

Scripture: Mark 12:41-44

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

The Name of Jesus

Pastor Mimi Kim teaches on the name of Jesus. It is a name that saves, a name that is above all other names, a name that has power, and a name by which we receive blessings. One day, all knees will bow and all tongues will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, Son of God, and King of all.

Scripture: Matthew 1:20-21

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Two More Days of Darkness

Pastor Danny Han gives us insight into God's perspective on our seasons of darkness. Like a moth has to fully develop its wings by struggling out its shell, the our struggles are necessary for us to mature in God. The bigger the struggle, the deeper the work. "Is it possible that God doesn't answer your prayer right away because He loves you?"

Scripture: John 11:1-16

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