Q3 HOPE Church Q3 HOPE Church

The War is Over

Lana Vasquez shares about our God of restoration and testifies how He brought her out of mourning and back into life. From small to great, nothing went missing, nothing was lacking, and nothing was broken. God gives beyond what we ask for and his thoughts are beyond ours.

Lana is the founder of Life Impact International.

Scripture: 1 Samuel 29-30

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Q3 HOPE Church Q3 HOPE Church

Led by the Spirit

Pastor Kyu Kim teaches how God’s spirit leads us to become like Christ and to follow God’s will. The Spirit works in many ways to overcome the desires of the flesh. Pastor Kyu teaches four ways to help us be led by the Spirit.

Scripture: Romans 8:14

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Q3 HOPE Church Q3 HOPE Church

Power of Love

Pastor Joey Wandler teaches the power of God’s love and Jesus’ gaze. By meeting the rich young ruler’s dilemma with love rather than contempt, Jesus gave him the courage to forsake everything else to obey God and receive his heavenly inheritance. As we let Jesus’ love run its course in our lives, fear and sin shall be cast out.

Joey is a pastor of Eagle’s Nest in Redding, California.

Scripture: Mark 10:17-31

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Q2 HOPE Church Q2 HOPE Church

Walk by the Spirit (Part 2)

Pastor Kyu Kim speaks about the conflict of the flesh with the Spirit living within us as he continues last week’s message. The Spirit conquers the desires of the flesh so that we may be restored to God’s image in order to have communion and fellowship with God.

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Q2 HOPE Church Q2 HOPE Church

Walk by the Spirit

Pastor Kyu Kim reminds us that God commands us to walk by His Spirit and contrasts the deeds of the flesh with the fruits of the spirit. We are on a journey with the Holy Spirit: let us walk with God and be transformed as we let the Spirit influence and change us.

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Q2 HOPE Church Q2 HOPE Church

Suffering - Lessons from Job

Pastor Mimi Kim teaches from the book of Job and explores why we as Christians still undergo suffering in our lives. In any suffering we face, we must know that God is good and that His work is for our good. Let us be faithful and remember that everything pales compared to a personal encounter with God.

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Q2 HOPE Church Q2 HOPE Church

Born of the Spirit

Pastor Kyu Kim teaches on being born in the Spirit so that we may be saved and have an intimate relation with God. Salvation is not about our effort, but about God’s great work for us. Therefore we should walk and grow in the Spirit as those God has already adopted and empowered. Abba! Father!

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Q2 HOPE Church Q2 HOPE Church

The Promise of the Father

Pastor Kyu Kim reminds us that we are living in a new age, where we walk in the Spirit in all aspects of our life. During the old covenant, the Holy Spirit came upon only some people for a particular time and purpose. But as promised in Joel 2:28-29, God poured out his Spirit on all people that we may be transformed with a new heart and new spirit.

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Q2 HOPE Church Q2 HOPE Church

Why Pentecost?

Pastor Carlos Reyes asks us to assess our walk with the Holy Spirit on this Pentecost Sunday. We are taught about why the Holy Spirit came and how it works in His people. Though we are not yet perfect, we must start functioning in the kingdom by being witnesses for the Lord.

Carlos Reyes is the pastor at NorthStar Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

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