Counted It All Joy
Pastor Kyu Kim stresses that Christians must have a different world view. While the world embraces the prosperity gospel, Christians embrace the privilege of suffering for the sake of Christ. The right expectation is critical. Being a Christian is not always easy, but it always leads to glory.
Scripture: Acts 5:17-42
Pastor Kyu Kim studies how the early church feared God and valued purity of the heart. The example of Ananias and Sapphira demonstrated how God values the motives and detests corruption and hypocrisy. And as the church continued to honor God in every way, the gospel spread all the more and multitudes came to believe.
Scripture: Acts 4:36-5:11
Boldly Go
Pastor Kyu Kim points out the Trinity in the boldness of Peter in today’s scripture passage. How is it that God used the man who thrice denied Jesus to perform a noteworthy miracle? And how is it that Peter is able to stand before those who killed Jesus and not back down in the face of serious threats?
Scripture: Acts 4:5-31
Deborah: The Prophetess and Judge
Pastor Mimi Kim studies the life of Deborah to illustrate how God is always faithful. He hears our cries and delivers us in spite of our disobedience. Unlike the time of the judges, now anyone can draw near to God. When we feel distant from God, it is not God who moved!
Scripture: Judges 4-5
ACTS of the Believers
Pastor Kyu Kim wants us to know that the name of Jesus has power. Just as Peter and John healed the lame man with authority, so we also have the same spirit within us. A life in the spirit is a life on missions to share the gospel to the world.
Scripture: Acts 3:1-10
The Fellowship of the Believers
Pastor Kyu Kim explores how the early believers loved one another and had true fellowship. Pastor Q expands on what they constantly devoted themselves to and how they shared sacrificially with each other. What if God’s people really live out His word?
Scripture: Acts 2:42-47
The River of the Living Water
Pastor Kyu Kim encourages us to venture past the shallow waters and to enter the deep waters of God’s Spirit that we may come alive, become fruitful, and flourish. It is only by surrendering in the deep waters that we can truly have God lead us. May there be none of me and all of God!
Scripture: John 7:37-39, Ezekiel 47:1-12
The Samaritan Woman: Encounter with Pure Love
Pastor Mimi Kim stresses how unusual and radical it was for Jesus to spend so much time with the outcasts of the time. Jesus looked upon the Samaritan woman at the well with love rather than condemnation. Through an amazing transformation, she went from avoiding people to seeking them out to testify about Jesus. What is our response to Jesus’ love?
Scripture: John 4:4-42
Be Filled with the Spirit
Pastor Kyu Kim asks us: are we running on empty? Just like running out of gas in our cars, some Christians aren’t being filled by the Spirit. Pastor Kyu teaches the results of a Spirit-filled life and the steps to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: Ephesians 5:18-21