First Christ-ians
Pastor Kyu Kim teaches about Antioch – the first Gentile church. It was founded by ordinary people – not superstars of the Bible – and became the center for missions in the early church. Again we see how Barnabas encouraged the church and, together with Paul, made many disciples. God will use those He chooses, so we must prepare ourselves!
Scripture: Acts 11:19-26
Open Heaven
Pastor Kyu Kim reminds us: Never write anyone off, for God can reach anyone. God always opens our hearts to reach people. God is opening doors for us to expand His kingdom. Pastor Q takes us through the lives of Cornelius and Peter to see how God opened heaven and doors for them.
Scripture: Acts 10:1-48
Builders of Hope
Pastor Kyu Kim challenges us to build HOPE all around us. Barnabas saw the best in Paul when no one else was willing and encouraged him to go on. Tabitha abounded with kindness and charity and encouraged many widows. Are you a builder of hope?
Scripture: Acts 9:19-43
Sudden Surrender
Pastor Kyu Kim reminds us that God can reach anyone and that we should never write anyone off. On the road to Damascus, Saul encountered God. He then experienced not a sudden conversion but rather a sudden surrender after Ananias obeyed God and went to him. PQ asks us: are we on our Damascus Road? Are we an Ananias to anyone?
Scripture: Acts 9:1-22
Lessons from Noah: It's Going to Rain
Pastor Mimi Kim teaches some lessons from Noah’s four word message: It’s going to rain! God’s vengeance and punishment are coming, but the good news is that God’s people will be spared. Noah’s faith and obedience to God’s word show us the path to righteousness.
Scripture: Genesis 6:5-8
Philip, the Evangelist
Pastor Kyu Kim dives into the evangelism of Philip, the only named evangelist in the Bible. In contrast, Simon the magician had no repentance and only wanted to look good and increase his own power. God used Philip to influence the entire culture of Samaria. PQ asks us: where is our Samaria?
Scripture: Acts 8:4-25
Stephen, a Witness and a Martyr
Pastor Kyu Kim shares the amazing witness of Stephen, who stood firm in God’s word despite being falsely accused and ultimately stoned. Though God did not save Stephen from an unjust death, He used the ensuing persecution to spread the believers far and wide to witness to the world.
Scripture: Acts 6:8-8:4
Daniel and His 3 Friends: No Compromise
Pastor Mimi Kim challenges us to not compromise when it comes to honoring God. Non-believers could see God in the lives of Daniel and his friends. Let us therefore stand firm and remember who were are and whose we are.
Scripture: Daniel 1,3,6
The Word of God Prospered
Pastor Kyu Kim highlights how the gospel prospered in the early church that honored God, handled issues rightly, and accomodated the ministries of the Spirit. Rather than allowing dissension to fester, the early church elected leaders that pleased both God and man. This is a great example of how we should treat problems as invitations to know, love, and honor God.
Scripture: Acts 6:1-7