Shoring Up Our Foundation
Pastor Mimi Kim shares the word God gave her for HOPE Church: shore up. Like the man who built his house on solid rock, we must build our faith on the Bible. Let us ready, study, and memorize the Word so that we can be prepared for obstacles, challenges, and storms ahead. The time to build up our faith is now, not in time of difficulty!
We apologize that this recording is truncated due to technical difficulties.
Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27
The History of Anointing
Pastor David Singh shared on how the anointing of God works through leadership, in light of the ordination and installation of our ministry leaders. Throughout the history of God’s people, the call to leadership has never been divorced from the laying of the hands and the transfer of the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus, who was God in the flesh, was first anointed by the Holy Spirit before beginning His ministry, setting the example for us in what it means to be a leader. From Genesis to Revelation, we see an evolution of the Spirit: exclusive to a select few to being poured out on ALL flesh, and this is the demonstration of the promise of God to all who are called His sons and daughters. Since Eden, God has been at work restore complete access to His presence, so that He would dwell among us, we would be His people and He would be our God.
J. David Singh is the senior pastor at Eternity Church in Richmond, Virginia.
Walk Ye In It!
Pastor Kyu Kim asks how we can have a relationship with God if we do not communicate with Him. As a church that desires intimacy with God, we should hear His voice and turn to God with full trust and obedience. Let us cast off the fear that hinders and walk through the open door according to His will.
Scripture: Isaiah 30:21
Waiting for Jesus... A Look at Simeon and Anna
Pastor Mimi Kim considers the lives of Simeon and Anna who eagerly awaited the coming of Jesus, and how we now wait for the blessed hope that is Jesus’ second coming. During this Christmas season, are we waiting proactively with great expectation, just like Simeon and Anna did?
Scripture: Luke 2:21-38
Faith That Will Not Fail
Su Kim walks us through the Hall of Faith and how God grows our faith. Just like a tree that bears fruit, we gain faith by abiding in Christ and acting on our faith. Are we anchored in the God who will never let us down?
Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-13
Set Apart and Sent!
Pastor Kyu Kim asks: are we hearing the Holy Spirit? The first missionaries were sent from the church Antioch after they sought God’s heart. We are called to be the church of open door: to send out and to welcome in. Am I willing to go?
Scripture: Acts 13:1-3
But Prayer!
Pastor Kyu Kim asks: are we praying fervently? Are we surprised when God answers our prayers? Hope is when God breaks into our world and brings it out of despair and impossible situations. Our hope is expressed through our prayers!
Scripture: Acts 12
John, the Baptizer
Pastor Mimi Kim explores four themes from the life of John the Baptist to help us truly prepare for Jesus’ return. In this Christmas season we are reminded to focus on Christ and to keep bearing spiritual fruit. So, let us heed the voice calling in the wilderness and be forerunners of Christ.
Scripture: Matthew 3:1-10