Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Pray... With Faith

Pastor Kyu Kim illustrates what it means to pray in faith, earnestness, and diligence. The bleeding woman was healed because she had great faith and expectation of God, and she earnestly sought and pressed in to touch Jesus. PQ asks: have you ever been desperate enough to press in and touch Him?

Scripture: Mark 5:25-34

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Pray... Like This

Pastor Kyu Kim highlights key insights from the Lord’s prayer. In teaching the disciples how to pray Jesus gave a short and powerful lesson on our heavenly Father, priority, unity, sin, and forgiveness.

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Power in Praying Together

Pastor Mimi Kim encourages us to join others and to say “Amen!” in prayer together. Though a private prayer life is good, we can learn much from the early church who prioritized praying together.

Scripture: Acts 1:12-14, 2:42-44, 4:23-31

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

The Foundations For Prayer

Pastor Kyu Kim teaches foundational truths about our prayers and relationships with God. We can pray with confidence as we understand God as our Father and even friend!

Scripture: Luke 18:10-14

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Desperation Invitation

Pastor Kyu Kim speaks out of 1 Samuel 1 as HOPE Church begins 40 Days of Prayer. He focuses on Hannah and her desperation for a child. Sometimes desperation can be an invitation from God for prayer.

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

40 Days of Drawing Near to God

Pastor Kyu Kim tells us the importance of praying and being with God for 40 days and nights. Moses, Elijah, and Jesus all spent 40 days and nights with God and in that time God revealed himself to them and rewarded them with the Holy Spirit.

Scripture: Exodus 34:28-29, 1 Kings 19:7-8, 19:15-21, Luke 4:1-2, 4:14-15

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Throw Off The Old; Put On The New

Pastor Mimi Kim asks us to examine our lives: are we living the new life in Jesus? Just as we bathe and wash away all filth before putting on clean clothes, so should we be renewed by the Holy Spirit to throw off the old ways and live in purity.

Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-5:2

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Time to Grow Up

Pastor Kyu Kim tells us to grow up! For Christians this means being transformed by God: in our thoughts, desires, and actions. Let us therefore continue to work out our salvation and pray for God's work in us.

Scripture: Ephesians 4:14-15, Philippians 2:12-13, Romans 12:2

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Q1 HOPE Church Q1 HOPE Church

Maintain Your Position

Pastor Sunhee Robinson urges us to not give up and to hold our positions against the enemy. As we mature we learn to fight not just for our own breakthroughs but for the breakthroughs of our brothers and sisters. Let us not be discouraged, for setbacks can be God’s set up for something amazing.

Sunhee is a pastor at Living Hope Christian Center in Emeryville, California.

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